01912nas a2200325 i 4500000000007117CaOOAMICUS20220405113451.0180830c19539999be zx u0 z|fre u0070-041XSeMilitaCorpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium. Scriptores Armeniaci[generale di collana].Lovanii :Peeters,1953-v. ;24 cm.Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium.0070-0444()45Saint Éphrem commentaire de l'Évangile concordant : version arménienne / Louis Leloir()22174The penitential of David of Ganjak / C. J. F. Dowsett()22283Saint Ephrem an exposition of the Gospel / George A. Egan()22403La version arménienne des œuvres d'Aphraate le Syrien / Guy Lafontaine()22474The penitence of Adam / Michael E. Stone()22502Textes Arméniens relatifs à S. Éphrem / Édités par Levon Ter-Petrossian ; traduits par Bernard Outtier()22540The armenian version of the works attributed to Dionysius the Areopagite / Robert W. Thomson()22546Il Libro delle Domande : (Le Regole) / Basilio di Cesarea ; Gabriella Uluhogian()22563Mxit'ar Sasnec'i's Theological Discourses / S. Peter Cowe()22565The armenian commentary on Genesis attribued to Ephrem the Syrian / Edward G. Mathews()22573The Armenian Commentaries on Exodus-Deuteronomy attributed to Ephrem the Syrian / Edward G. Mathews()22576Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium. Scriptores Armeniaci.SeMilSeMil1Venegono1Vedi "Titolo uniforme di collana" per le collocazioni dei singoli volumi222888Sottoscrizione aperta240957SeMilBibl2240957 1